A Fun Feb. 1

This morning Miss B had her Preschool/PreK Conference.

Of course, she did a great job. She scored higher than the standard, and is ready for Kindergarten.
Was I worried? No.

As a treat we went to Chic-Fil-A for lunch.

The kids loved it, I let them play and then we left before it got too busy.
We came home and the girls wanted to play dress up in the basement. Bridget dressed as spider girl and thought she could "be" spider girl. So, she climbed on a food storage shelf and knocked it completely over. Like broken glass, dented cans, the whole nine...what a mess.
There was so much to pick up and I was so upset (not mad) and the shelf is completely twisted and broken and Nathan came home to help clean it up, because it was a wreck.

After that the Valentine Mailboxes came out, and there was a delivery!
Today it was from Auntie Steph!

The kids decorated their glasses, then we made heart shaped pizzas for dinner.

They were delicious!

We snuggled up on the couches and watched Hotel Transylvania.

It was such a fun night, and then I found this...

I LOVED IT! I hope you do too.

Happy February! It is my favorite month!

1 comment:

  1. You seriously are the best mom! I love those mailboxes! Where did you get them?? I want to start that tradition!
