1. Chalk Art Festival

Here is 2011's Trip you should click on it and see my chubby babies 
(also mason was "technically" there too *wink*)

We loaded up the car, and headed to our family's favorite place, Downtown City!

It was time for the Chalk Art Festival!

We saw a lot of interesting things there...

We brought lunch and enjoyed eating outside together.

Then we started our tour of Larimer Square.

The artists were so nice this time!

It was so much fun, and the music was great!

 Then we found our favorite one!

SO pretty!

It was nice weather, a little on the cool side.

Another interesting sight...

Lucas won a bag of popcorn!

We shared his choice of blue raspberry.

One thing I love about the chalk art festival is the array of colors.

Scarlett was complaining about her tummy, so she hung out in the stroller for awhile.
We had a great time together.

The lady that took our picture had this cute little puppy and the babies loved him!

We walked through another chalk path.

Since Scar was in the stroller "whimpering" between "I'm hungry" and "I'm sick" Bridget walked the streets with Mace.

Juliet took the opportunity to love on her big brother, Lucas.

Then Scarlett looked back and saw this...

So she got out and walked with everyone else.

So I asked them to stop and Bridget sneezed.
We got a lot of cute looks and people smiling at us. We were a sight, 5 kids walking and an empty stroller. HAhaha

After the festival we stopped by to see Uncle Ben!

Nathan grabbed some Ribs...

I love Downtown and the old buildings.

 Ben said goodbye, and then we went home.

When we got home there was a HUGE surprise waiting for the kids...that post is for tomorrow!

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