4. Mason goes to Nursery!

This was such a fun day for Mason. He put on the "woo-woo fire orangin" vest and was ready for church.
I even match their church socks. :)

I wish you could hear his laugh, it is so contagious.

He is so animated. Think Pascal from Tangled.

Someone at church said he had Anime eyes. Haha.
After church (which he did great) we got dressed in another Lucas outfit.

I always think that the boys look alike, but actually, Mason looks like Scarlett. He acts like a boy 100% more than Lucas did. He looooooooves mud and trucks.

Happy 18 months (sunday) 


  1. Wow!! That's a HUGE accomplishment!! You now have ALL of your kids in primary!! Woot! Woot!!

  2. BEST. SUNDAY. EVER. hahahahaha!!!

    I got put in as secretary in the Primary Presidency, Sunday, so I don't have to do Owen, anymore. Poor Matt. (haha not really) :)
