Museum of the Month: Children's Museum

The other day Nathan had to go to court to fight a ticket he didn't deserve. He won,by the way.
Since he got home right when the kids were walking home from school, we decided to hit up the Children's Museum!

The kids were pretty excited!

We loaded up the car and got there in record time.
We lined the kids up on the parking lines to go over the rules 
(which is what we always do when we go out in public)

Then it was time to go in!

Firetrucks first. I thought this was 5 year old Lucas at first. (But it is Scarlett)  :)

 There is Lucas.
He is getting too big for the dress up jackets. Haha. My kids love imaginary play.
Bridget is back there.
 Mace down the fire pole.
 Then we up to the train room. Mason's favorite place.

 While the littles were in the train room, the older kids were building stuff.
 Then we went to the kitchen/store.
 Nathan was assisting on the builds.

 After that,Lucas stayed in the building zone,and the rest of us went in the bubble lab.
Lab coats and goggles, even upside down were required.

 Then the kids went to the habitats and dressed as creatures. Here is B the model Beaver.
 Lucas was done with his build.
 In the Art Room! Look! I was there!
 We saved the best for last...the Ball Room.

Lucas is growing so much, this is his 3rd pair of shoes this year. He is now in a 4. 
For reference, Nathan wears a 9.5 and I wear an 11 in men (13 in womens)

 Before leaving we went to the space room.
 some of us were out of control in there...
 It was such a beautiful day, the babies led the way to the park where we played a little longer.

What a fun day.
I am glad we went in the afternoon.

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