Scarlett's Animal-tastic Birthday - Day 4

Today we had great intentions to be awesome. I should have known that after Scarlett was being a punk all morning, that that would set the tone for the day.

 Still not that great.
 Ehh, not the best. This one will have to do!
 After our sorry attempt at birthday pictures we headed to the town of Bedrock.

We went to the teaching zoo, but it was closed! The website was being changed right when we got there!
so, we went to a play park...and brought our own lunch.

I loved that we brought this, and the other moms brought organic carrots and peas for their kids. It felt like a real parenting win as I was slurping my shake with my favorite 5 year old. I especially loved the looks I got when we inhaled our lunch.

Scarlett was on the move the entire time we were there. She managed to be the ringleader of a few car races through out the play area.

This is my favorite part of my California...the tree covered streets.

 After the play area, we hung out at home and played games and sang Frozen, over and over.

Then it was dinner time.
We went to Theo's restaurant!

 Flaming Cheese, Calamari, and Filet Mignon mmmm

Phil loves his Daddy. This was his face the entire time we were there.

Then we went home. Flew over those beautiful Colorado Rockies.

 After that we had Scarlett's celebratory Donuts!

 As you can see...the younger 3 couldn't wait...
 This was Mason's first real on his own doughnut...
aaaannnndddd he loved it. Sweet, doughy goodness!

What a birthday! It was fun while it lasted. I already miss my sister. and my nephews. and my bro in law.
One thing I will not miss is Scarlett calling me Valerie. 
*eyeroll* I really hated that. (almost as much as my sister did)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome birthday! By the way, the other moms were just jealous of your totally awesome meal! Yours was way better!
