Scarlett's Animal-tastic Birthday - Day 1

I woke up Scarlett at 5:30 in the morning and i thought she would have been grouchy but she wasn't because she was excited to go to California. She was mad that I didn't have her wear winter clothes because it was winter, but when we got to California, she figured out real fast that it was hotter in CA than CO.

 Scarlett was so excited to get on the plane. This is the first time (that she can remember) that she has been on a plane. Everyone around her would smile and talk to her and she let everyone know it was her birthday. Most people thought "hey that is cool" but it wasn't until I explained that she is on a trip without her 4 other siblings that we got the raised eyebrow and nod "you are so lucky"

Once we were on the plane, something magical happened!
I'll let Scarlett tell you about it...
She was more excited, than the video shows. 
Here we are on the descend...
 Then they let her off first, in the back. The pilot high fived her and Auntie Stef pulled up right as we got out of the airport! Perfect timing!

 We went to Calabasas for Lunch. Scarlett is the first of my Wittes to meet Lil' Theo!

 They have a turtle pond near where we ate!

 And then, my dear sweet accident prone daughter, slammed her fingers in the door. 
Which led to immediate bruising.
 The owner of Johnny Rockets apologized over and over, and I told him that this happens all of the time and that she would probably trip in the parking lot on the way home anyway. LOL which is sad, but true.

Grandma joined us and then, she and Scarlett went to see Frozen.
Did you know Scarlett is probably the only child in America that hasn't seen it?
Well, she had bad behavior the day we were going to go and lost the privilege to see the movie.
Which works out, because she was able to go with just Grandma and she thought that was pretty neat!

 Aaah, California. Beautiful and Sunny, most days.

Scarlett and Grandma after the movie.
Then we ran to Toys R Us to pick up a special surprise!

 She also got a neat Doc McStuffins accessory to go with her lab coat. 
(which we couldn't leave home without)

Then Scarlett and Phil played for a bit and we ate a greek dinner and went to bed earlier than planned.

 I love my lil' nephews so much!

It was a great first day of our animal-tastic week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, she's not the only child in America who hadn't seen it. We all still haven't. We don't do theater movies. Way too much money. Redbox is our friend. lol
