Letting go

I almost always have the kids pick out their outfits for the next day before bed. (with assistance) Last night was no exception but Bridget found this dress hanging in the closet. She begged and begged to wear it to church. Luckily I had one for Scarlett and Lucas ran into his room and said..."Don't worry Mom, I have a shirt to match!" I wouldn't normally have picked these dresses for church dresses but they looked great. 

So here they are...
Bridget insisted on the wedding click clack shoes, Scarlett wanted her brown shoes.  I didn't want to fight it because they were so happy with their choices.
AAH, I just love it! Scarlett is ina 2T and Bridget is in a 3T. They are just getting so big!!
Someone told me at church today how much the girls were alike. I laughed because most people don't tell us that so it was refreshing to hear. She is in the nursery and was going on and on about their little personalities and how much fun they are.  It sure put a smile on my face.
I feel so blessed to be their mother, and I hope that they remember when they look back how much time and love I really try to give them.  It gets lost in the frustrations of daily life but I am really working hard on relinquishing some control and letting them just have fun...because really they are only little for a short time and I would much rather laughter
over tears! :)

1 comment:

  1. That was a cute post. I have to remember to let go, too. I'm a control freak by nature and have to remind myself to just let them have fun - I can clean up later. :) Thanks for another reminder to do that. :)
