Mills Girls Day of Fun

What a day.  I now have an almost empty house because we sold a bit more on Craigslist.
We met up with Laura and her girls Kylie and Madison. When Laura comes to town, everyone in the ward fights for a day with her...I got lucky because we had a good chunk of the day to sit and chat and let the kids go be kids.
My kids had a blast playing with them at the park.
There was a dog, Scarlett thinks she likes dogs.
Kylie and Maddie
So cute.
My girls.
Lucas was a wee scared of this climbing wall.
I loved this thing...whatever its called.
Lucas liked this thing.
The girls liked the slide.
Look at Kylie what a model!
Maddie is so funny she took care of Scarlett the whole time.
Scarlett most of the time liked the attention. :)
This was before the Bully started messing with Lucas.
Kylie protected Lucas from the Bully, I took this picture and didn't even know what was happening at the time.  This kid was messing with Lucas and he was probably 8. He wouldn't leave Lucas alone.  It was very strange. Lucas would be playing with Kylie and this kid would just come up to Lucas and hit him or push him for no reason.  I told the kid several times to leave Lucas alone because he was only 3 and that Lucas isn't playing with him so leave him alone.  He didn't listen and I had to yell at him to leave him alone.  It was really sad, when the kid apologized to Lucas (because his mom wanted him to) he got angry and ran away. Lucas replied "That's Okay" like it didn't even bother him, but it did bother me. 
We didn't let it ruin our park day but still, why can't people just be nice?
We left the park a little bit after that and then we came home for naps, then the kids woke up and begged to see Kylie and Maddie again, so we loaded up the van with bikes and scooters and drove the 2 streets over to their Grandma and Grandpa's house and asked if they wanted to ride bikes.
Of course they wanted to!
Madison and Bridget switched bike for scooter.
Bridget did pretty good after a little push from Kylie...
Madison didn't need help!
Then Kylie and Lucas had a throwing contest.
I am really loving Scarlett at this age.
Especially when she puts her headband back on herself.
I miss Laura and wish she didn't live in Logan, UT. I hope she stops by on her drive back in from Wichita.
We had a great day and I am so glad we are friends.


  1. If the mom wasn't going to discipline her kid so much, at least she didn't get all huffy when you yelled at her kid.

    It sucks that some parents just stand by and let others parent their kids, though. Makes me want to slap them. *sigh*

  2. Thanks for hanging out. We all had a blast. Now I hope we have time to stop by on our way home again and see you "finished project" :)

  3. That park is the park right by my house :) do you live in that subdivison?
