Well, I got sucked in...

I am not a crazy Twilight fan. I read the books but didn't love them, they were just a fun read.  I didn't even see the first movie in the theater.  In February I saw New Moon (the second movie) with some friends when it was on its last leg in the theater and had so much fun with them that I made sure we would see the third movie Eclipse in the theater too.  I had no idea we would be seeing it at 12:01am in the IMAX on opening night. But we did. There were 13-14 ladies from Eastlake who decided to go and I am glad I could go with them.  Here we all are...(minus Tara)
Laura and Shawntae made Team Jacob (a werewolf) cupcakes.
Kristin and Chrystal painted their nails red like everyone else in the group...I didn't, no surprise there. Yes that girl in the back is really pregnant!
Chrystal, Me and Tara in the back of the theater waiting our turn with the rest of the group to get in.
I felt like I needed do show my contribution to build unity with the group so I brought my Team Edward (vampire) Vampire baby...
Just kidding I didn't bring Scarlett just a picture of her. :) Everyone got  a good laugh at that.  Seriously she is growing fangs!

As we were driving home at 2:30 in the morning I had a little review of the movie with Chrystal and we liked it. I thought is was one of the funnier movies.  I really liked the soundtrack and it was well done, by far the best in the "saga." Here are the critics REVIEWS.  I am also glad that the teens in the theater weren't loud and obnoxious.  It would have ruined it for me if they were.

Thanks ladies for such a fun night. I came home and of course had to wake Nathan from his slumber to tell him all about it, which means I didn't get to bed till 3:30 and its 7:30 now so you do the math...running on 4 hours of sleep is going to be fun for me today! :)


  1. That's how Andur got his top teeth! Fangs first! LOL

    I read the books and LOVED them but not enough to be crazy psycho obsessed like some. ;) I didn't think the first movie was the greatest, but loved the second one (which converted me to team Jacob, btw...lol) Both I saw in the comfort of my own home. You're brave venturing out for the first showing...lol So it was good? I haven't seen it (obviously) so don't be spoilin'. :)

  2. I think it's so funny that we were at the same theater but I never saw you! And that's so fun you guys seemed to be there so early and had a big group to go with!
    I wrote my little review of it on my blog too but yea I still think New Moon was a little better but I liked this one too! Next time I see you I want to hear what else you thought of it! :)

  3. Love your vampire baby! That's too funny.

    Looks like you ladies had a blast.
