Loud Rocks!

At 1:15pm we got a tornado warning. You could see FUNNEL CLOUDS from our bathroom window.  Then it started to POUR.  It POURED and POURED and then it started HAILING. Not some whimpy hail dusting of hail you get excited about but a FULL 30 MINUTES of downpour. I think we got about 1.5 INCHES of hail.  But it gets better...our POWER went out. my half of the street was without power for 2 hours.  I can top that...Lucas was at school and I had to go pick him up!  I manage to open the door get going and call Nathan and he is like "GET OFF THE ROAD you are RIGHT IN the MIDDLE of the CELL!" He is really dramatic sometimes.  Lets just FORGET that I was crying the ENTIRE RIDE to the school. I look back at the kids and their hands are on their ears. "Loud Rocks Mommy!" shouts Scarlett. Juliet decides at that moment to SCREAM her head OFF in SHEER TERROR.  I love that my Dad returns my call right in the middle of all of this DRAMA.  It was his usual Perfect Timing. Like the time I drove the bread truck over a snake and got a flat tire. Hahaha. Those were some good times!  Okay, back to the story. I pick up Lucas and the WHOLE CLASS is in the BATHROOM in the Tornado Shelter.  I wish I took a picture of it. She (Mrs. McD) told me that they delayed pick up for 30 minutes because of the SIRENS. Did I mention the SIRENS?  6 years of living here and its only the 2nd time I have EVER heard them! We got home to access the DAMAGE and cancel our thing with Ali because it was getting WORSE!  Here are some of the pics!

 Our poor tree was thrashed! Leaves were EVERYWHERE!

One fatality. A baby bird. :( So sad!

It was quite an adventure.  I also forgot about the cupcakes that were in the oven so when the power came back on I didn't even think about the oven and well - we now know the smoke alarms work!
 JP - We will try again tomorrow!

7 news said we (our area) had the worst of the storm. 11 inches of rain/snow mix.


  1. Story of my life May-ish through July. Love it!! :) We got the black clouds out right now. I had to go out to the garage for something and Andur warns me that I'm entering the death zone. LOL I love the drama! :) Sounds like you had quite the adventure!

  2. OMG... it's always so much scarier when you have your kids with you. My husband called to tell me to take shelter - he could see the funnel from his work in Henderson - because it's hard to hear the sirens at our house. Was at a friend's though, so was out of the warning area.

  3. Bummer about the cupcakes. I'll will patiently await the next storm. ;-) Poor baby bird!

  4. wow how scary, we don't get things like that where we live. So glad you are all ok
