Someone for Everyone!

Today we got to have Carter and Cody over in the morning.  It was such a beautiful break from the 2 full days of rain that we decided to go to the park.

My friend Amelia and her daughter Ellie were in town. They are from DC and I have never met them before.

They met us at the park. It was 55 and GORGEOUS!

Carter is 4 and is Lucas's buddy. Cody is 2 and Scarlett is in love with him.  She was holding his hand and hugging him most of the day.

Here are some pics of everyone at the park!
 Merry Go Round!
 Bridget and Ellie

 After the park we parted ways - Lucas to school, the boys went with their dad and Amelia went back to Boulder.

I decided I would play with my food processor during nap. I made a Lemon Buttermilk Sheet Cake.
It was fantastic.

We had a great time with friends. I am glad there was someone for everyone to play with.


  1. I love your blog it really inspires me to do more home cooking and home made fun and games with my 3 little girls :) I just realised you left a message on my blog a little while ago, I would love to hear from you. Emma

  2. Such a fun park! We were supposed to go there for a playdate tomorrow, but not with the rain that's forecasted.
