Last Day

No pictures today.

Today is the last day before our world starts again.
I loved the break. 
I loved having my kids home. 
I loved not "having" to go anywhere.
I loved having YW at home so I could go to the NICU w/o the other monsters.
I loved hanging in our pj's and house clothes.
I especially loved the extra time we got with Nathan.

We finished up all of Lucas's homework.
We reorganized the pantry.
We moved some furniture.
We baked some cookies.

We played lots of games on our break. 
We watched several 3D movies on the 3DTV.
We played the Wii - a lot.
We ate in the family room for dinner!

Mostly, we enjoyed each other.

I really loved this extra time, even though Mason wasn't with us...for all of it.

Tomorrow begins a new day, back into the swing of things, back to the schedule.
This part I like. I like being scheduled and all that jazz, but it is nice to have the break.


My kids requested Sloppy Joe's for dinner. It is their current favorite dinner. 
They have only had it like 5 times in their life, but when its specifically asked for, how can I say no?

I love our little life.

*My friend Emily asked what the pot thing was about*
A long time ago, Nathan and I read a book where an old lady on the street, banged her pots to get rid of the kids who would hang out on her stoop/porch. It was at that moment, Nathan, (and me with a weird face) decided to bang the pots on New Years Day to bang out the bad times/memories of the previous year, to make room for the good times/memories.  *insert eye roll here* Yea, we are weird, but my kids LOVE doing it, and the neighbors on the street usually shrug their shoulders and chalk it up to Witte Weirdness. 

1 comment:

  1. By the end of break I am craving scheduled-ness. My kids get bored... and start literally bouncing off the furniture. Drives me nuts! lol
