11, 5.5, 6/36

Today Juliet is 11 months old! Lucas was 5.5 yesterday, and last Friday Mason hit 6 weeks/36 weeks.

Let's talk about Ju-geeena first.
 She has 2 mommies. Me, being one, and Scarlett being the other.
Scarlett always makes sure she is getting enough food, water, toys, etc.
It can be nice - at times. :) 
 Her hair is coming in like crazy and is blond. Like a dirty blond, but it is blond.

 Juliet is a little character. She has a crazy weird laugh and is just so fun to have around. 
She is so pleasant and happy to do things on her own.
 She claps at everything. This means she likes something. I will say "Juliet, do you want some crackers?" Her response is usually clapping or she will just crawl/walk to the kitchen and wait for me to get them.
 She is enormous. At Mason's appointment last week she was 24 pounds 9 oz.
She is off baby food and formula and is pounding 3 cups of milk a day.
Her favorite food is ham. In any form, in anything.
She is a hoot.
 I was telling her a story in this picture. She is such an attentive listener. Haha.


Lucas is so happy he is finally 5 1/2. Tomorrow he is bringing snickerdoodles to class to celebrate. 

Mason was/is 6 weeks/36 weeks.
At his appointment last week he was 6lbs 8oz - one oz shy of Scarlett at birth.
We talked about adjusted age and actual age. Mason is considered "unborn" still, so its fun just telling people he isn't at his due date yet.  He is doing well, and it is so nice to have him home. :)


  1. Juliet's hair is awesome! Yesterday (and the day before too) we had ribs. Layla LOVED them. I think she, too, is done with baby food. But she still has no teeth. I guess we will just have to work around that one. Glad to see everything is going well around the Witte place.

  2. Dying at these pictures. Hilarious!

  3. Wow Valerie! Juju outweighs Vivian by over 3 pounds and Viv is 15 months old. She is definitely my peanut even though she was bigger than Ben at birth. Glad to see that all your kiddos are doing SO well!

  4. She weighs about the same as Daxton. I love the video. So fun to see her little personality.
