A Bittersweet Moment

Lucas woke up vomiting around 1am. He was extremely calm about it, walking in telling us, "The upper portion of my body is hurting, I might need to throw up." Which he did several times. We had him sleep in our room on the floor near the bathroom so he could just get up and go if he needed to, which he did at 3am. He woke up at 7:30 and we all decided he wouldn't go to school. He was upset, but understood that he could "contagious to other people." 
One of my FAV pics of Lucas - 1 year, and he was sick that day. :(

That whole day he spent reading, coloring, playing Lego's in his room, and watching a movie in the basement. He took a 3 hour nap and requested a popsicle. He chose a lime fruit bar popsicle and then went right back to bed.
Lucas at 9 months
Around 4pm, Lucas came to me and asked if I would hold him. His exact words were "will you let me sit on your lap and just hold me for a little while?" I did. He told me he would say a prayer so I wouldn't get sick, because Mommy getting sick would be unfair.
Lucas at 14 months
We talked about Paris, France. We talked about freckles. We talked about the water cycle.

Mason woke up and I needed to take care of him, and Lucas said "go ahead, make sure you wash your hands." I laughed a little.

Around 6pm, Lucas ate 3 pieces of toast and an entire bowl of plain rice. He told me he was feeling better. We watched a movie together because Nathan was at school and we needed some quiet time. Lucas fell asleep on the floor, so I carried him back to his bed. He is really heavy. It made me tear up a little because I couldn't remember when this happened. When did my red cheeked, orange haired baby, get so big?
Lucas at 7 months
He is so special. Caring, kind, considerate, smart, thoughtful. I feel lucky to have him in our family, and grateful that he will forget my parenting mistakes. I was so humbled at that moment, lugging his huge, gangly, body up the stairs that this boy is a part of my life. He is an old soul, wise and calm...and in that same sentence, still such a young boy full of curiosity, wit, and a love for all things Lego's. :)

I needed to write that out. He is feeling so much better today, but that vulnerability he had yesterday, made me miss his first year. He is a great brother and friend. I love him so much.


  1. Man - Lucas looks totally different now!

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with my kids being sick. I hate that they have to be sick and feel so miserable and you can't do anything for them except be there, but I love the sweetness and vulnerability that comes out when they just need their mommy. :) So sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  3. your font randomly changed while I was typing this, weird.

    I find moments like these are the hardest, because a photograph just doens't capture the feeling.

    hugs mama!

  4. Lucas and Boyd are so much alike. When did our baby boys get so big? Such a sweet post.

  5. Dang it, Valerie! You really should have a disclaimer: "Post-pregnancy hormone-inflicted folk should read with extreme caution. And a tissue." LOL
    Very sweet!
