Mason, week 8/38

Time is flying by, it seems.

Mason is off the oxygen 75% of the time. Partly because - he pulls it off, and partly because - someone (ahem Juliet) pulls the tubing off of Bertha Lynn! (the massive oxygen tank)

Oh well, it doesn't seem to bother him. :)

Mason got some fun mail this week from his friend, Big Mason.
 So cute! :)
 Little Mason, or Mini Witte, :) Is getting bigger. He is now 7.2 pounds!
 He is awake a lot more now. Almost like a "termie" 8 weeker. I love when the physical therapy lady comes and tells me that he really isn't much like a preemie. He is cueing and acting just like a typical 8 weeker...not a 38 weeker. I shrug and in my head say "I know, he's a Witte" hahaha
 He is still a loud sleeper, so when he is awake, we all can tell because he is so quiet.
 Here is a shot of his auburn hair. :)
 I can't tell you how much I love this little guy.
Usually when I am loving on him...Juliet will walk up and beg to be on the bed too. She wants to see what all the fuss is about.
 Or she wants her hair done. Haha.
 When Lucas is at school, the girls ususally play babies. Bridget is a master swaddler. :)

Nathan has been at school Tues and Thurs (LAST semester! Whew!)
So when he is home we make the most of it. This particular night was movie night.

Scarlett has been changing so much, I will post more on that later. The cord is part of Bertha Lynn. :)
 Today was Crazy Hair day at school. Lucas did this himself. Hahaha.

It has been a great week, and so glad this month is over...practically.


  1. So handsome. i look forward to these weekly updates.

  2. Molly has those purple puppy pj' sweet. I love your updates!
