NICU week 5

Day 28 - 4lbs15oz Everything regulated itself out, so Mason is back to every other feeding with a bottle. Barely on oxygen - so .2L or 20cc of oxygen. His swallowing looks FANTASTIC and they are going to continue pressing on with the bottle of BM for most of the feedings. Ouch. But worth it. :)

Day 30 - 5lbs 4oz!!! Now does 2 bottles on, 1 off. Getting closer to getting off the monitors.

Nathan got to take the temp, change the diaper, and snuggle for awhile. I took the kids on a much needed walk and then we switched. I talked to the nurses about what he has left and he passed the allergy test, the swallow test, and hasn't had any apneas or brady's so we are just waiting for him to bottle feed full 50cc at every feeding. 

Day 32 - 5lbs 5oz Took every feeding by bottle, but they were only half feeds. He just gets too tired.
His brain scans looked great and was approved for in home PT, which is typical for preemies 30-34 weeks at birth. He is chunking up and has dimples! Well, one, on his left cheek. :)

Day 33 - 5lbs 12oz, took a bath and his hair was poofy! He is still on half bottles but making more progress.
SCARY 11pm phone call that they moved him because they had several multiples coming and needed to put Mason in a room with a mate. He is with another little boy who is similar in age, but not doing as well as Mason. :(

Day 34 -5lbs 14oz!!!!! He isn't eating well during the day, but at night, he eats like a champ. For me, he ate 55cc's!   He was awake and making noises.
 Love this baby's CRAZY hair!

Can you tell he is getting bigger?

Special thanks to my friend Becky, who takes me to the hospital and takes pictures of these special tender moments for me. She held him too! :)

AND - a video.

He is doing great, looks good, just a mini baby.

Mason the Mini Witte! :)


  1. Seriously AWESOME! He's adorable, definitely looks like a Witte and resembles Bridget!!!

  2. He's gaining weight like a champ! Glad to hear all is going so well.

  3. The NICU is so hard, but he truly is the cutest baby in there! He is mellow, content and handsome. I am going to be sad for me when he leaves!

  4. I love his cheeks. Man he's cute! I want to touch that fuzzy hair.I haven't even seen him and I'm in love with him!!!

  5. Looks like a Witte! Glad to hear he is doing so awesome! I can see he is getting bigger. Such a handsome little man. I think of you often.

  6. He gains so much from one day to the next! Awesome!! He is looking so good!
