First Day of School

For Glacier Peak Elementary! My kids aren't old enough yet but we have a little tradition in our house.  Since we live walking distance to the school we usually sit on the porch, eat donuts and watch the kids walk to school. Well, the Sollis's live right in front of the school so we asked them to join us in the tradition this year and everyone had fun.
Did I mention we are in our jammies and have to wave to everyone we know? Yep we do. This year everyone was laughing at the kids it could have been their chocolatey cheeks...
Oops, I meant these ones...
It was a fun morning waving at the kids stuffing their faces and drinking juice.

Horray for the first day of school! And for DONUTS!

*Side note* Last night at Enrichment I broke 3 toes and my friend Kathy sat with me in Urgent Care.  I didn't get home till 10:50 and I am so glad she was there with me.  I am hurting a lot, but I will be okay.  It was my fault for getting so upset and running outside but I am lucky to have people in my ward who are willing to serve even if it means they will miss enrichment! :)


  1. SO sorry to hear about your toes - I've done it, and it hurts so bad! Many healing thoughts headed your way!

  2. You're so good at only sharing part of what happened and not the whole thing. Why were you upset? I thought you were the Enrichment queen? (Side note: I've been referred to as the Vana White of Enrichment - is that like the same thing? lol) I hope your toes are ok and that you'll be able to resume your supermomness asap. ;)

  3. Auntie Steph8/21/10, 3:34 PM

    It is nice to have TRUE friends that care for you and help you when you are down.

    Funny thing isn't it? You were at a Church related function, you would think that more people would be kind and helpful considering their Lord is watching. Shame on those people.

    Can't wait to see you soon!!
