Just a story

We were at Platte Valley Hospital yesterday and Lucas was with me.  An old man said to Lucas watch out - there is a real fireplace behind you. Lucas turns around and looks at it and then looks at the man and says "Ak-shully, I am pretty sure this fireplace is 'Lectric because the wood is totally fake." The old man look stunned and then Lucas says to him "I am sure if you look hard enough you will find the switch to turn it on, I know bout these things cause I have one in my house." The man laughed and then Lucas said to me "Why do old people always laugh at me? I know I am really smart."

As I was typing this I got this email...

This is my father by the way. He's lost some weight and looks totally fab!

Anyway, I showed this to Lucas and he says..

"I knew my Grandpa could do it. What did he do?"
I said "climb a mountain" 
He said "What? Is he in Colorado?"
I said "No that mountain in in California."
He said "O I was really hoping he was here so we could go to lunch at the Chinese Chang's with him"

Sorry Lucas. But Good Job Grandpa!

(Chinese Chang's is PF CHANGS)

PS I Love Lucas so much! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck how cute is Lucas! Good job Mama =)
