Summer Time and the Livin is Easy...

I am not a fan of summer.  Its hot and uncomfortable, but my kids love it and my husband loves it so I have learned to kinda sorta like it.  

My kids love to ride their bikes for hours. This summer has been spent doing just that...riding outside, eating too many popsicles, playing in the water and realizing it was 6pm a little too late. Our summer has been filled with late dinners and lazy nights and that has been nice. 

Here are some pics from the other day that are just proof that they have been having a fun summer. I can't wait for fall to come, that is my favorite season...the whole reason why I moved to Colorado. 
I also forgot to mention that we have been eating a TON of watermelon. Another sign of a good summer. :)
I miss riding my bike with my sister to the elementary school, I can't wait until my kids get to experience that with each other. :)


  1. Shana Spencer8/17/10, 3:55 PM

    I sure do miss fall in Colorado. Enjoy it for me.

  2. Auntie Steph8/17/10, 8:05 PM

    Ahhh yes those were good times! I miss those days too.

    The kids look gorgeous as usual and I love them messy like just shows they are having a GREAT summer!
