November 2

Today I am grateful for Colorado.
There really is no place like it.

People I know who grew up here or who have lived here a long time, HATE leaving.
Its that amazing.

The landscapes, the family friendliness, the big open skies and the weather.
The best part is the weather.
We got 8 or 9 inches last night and it snowed most of the morning -

Lucas walked to school in the snow. He thought this was particularly awesome.

And come 2pm right when most schools are getting out - it was nice and melted - 

Not the big stuff but the streets and sidewalks were nice and dry!

The sun was shinning, the air was crisp. Sigh.
I am glad we live here. It is such a beautiful place.


  1. Portland would have canceled school. They are kind of pansies! Glad to see all is going well, considering everything. I am thinking of you!

  2. Oh how I miss that place!! But I fear I've grown too used to warm weather. It has been "cold" here and you would laugh at how I'm dressing the kids. You would think we were in the middle of a blizzard!! :)
