November 6 - Post 6 - Good News!

*note* this happened in the past -
as of the date of this post things have been okay.
I had my 2nd Perinatal Appointment today.

I get to go every 4 weeks.  Did I mention that everywhere I go (hospital/OBs) everyone knows who Dr. Hobbins is?  That's because he is the BEST Perinatalogist in Colorado. :)

We went in to check the concern areas, the placenta and to evaluate Baby Witte #5's birthday.

Baby is measuring BIG.
Like 2 weeks BIG.  The thighs were in the 95th Percentile!
My kids are tall at birth and always measure big anyway.

But - they think I might have Gestational Diabetes so I have to take it easy on the sweets and carbs.

Great. Just add that to the list. 

Because baby is growing big above the curve they were worried about the kidneys growing too, luckily they stayed the same, so its at minimal concern.

Bowels still Ecogenic but - I have bled 3x this pregnancy so who knows.

Now to the best news EVER.
My placenta is moving!  

So I am not on Complete Bed Rest -- just minimal. :)
This is the best news ever!

He also said that I might make it past 34 weeks! Another relief. 

I feel so blessed and humbled by this whole experience and just pray we keep getting good news and that #5 is healthy and happy just like "it's" siblings. :)


  1. That is wonderful news. So I forget, how far along are you now? How many more weeks until Witte #5 is 34 weeks?

  2. Excellent news!!! I've been praying for you!
