A Pair of Bookends!

We woke the kids up.

We told them to sit on the couch.

The lighting is bad, but it was 6AM. Haha.
We weren't going to find out/tell but when you are going to the doctor every week - 
its kinda hard to not find out.

This was not a good reaction from Lucas.  But after it sank in he was screaming "Dreams come true!"

He has never been this happy, he almost wet his pants!

He told everyone who called that his prayers were answered and he needs to stay good or HF will change the baby to a girl. Haha.

I totally knew it though. I am having the same reactions I had when I was pregnant with Lucas.
I need to say when we did find out Nathan was laughing like a girl.
He was more happy than I was, probably because he was done with all the attitude in the house?
I am excited. We got just what we wanted and feel like our family will finally be complete...
with a set of boy bookends, cramming ALL that drama in between. hehehe


  1. awesome - is his name going to end in an S?

  2. HAHAHA Just couldn't keep it to yourself, could ya? WOOHOO for boys!! :) I'm glad you spilled the beans. Feels good, doesn't it? ;)

  3. Wasn't me - totally Nathan's doing. He knew Lucas was dying to know and we could only listen to his prayers begging for a brother one more time!

  4. Awesome! So excited for you guys! I love Bridget's reaction! LOL! and Juliet was all smiles : )

  5. Congratulations! That is so exciting for your family. A boy is perfect!

  6. Oh yay!! That is so exciting! I LOVE the kids reactions. :-)

  7. Super cute!!! I am so happy, especially for Nathan!

  8. Congrats that is soooo exciting!!! I loved Bridget's reaction, she reminded me of Jefrie and how she acts about things. lol That is such a cute way of telling everyone too!

  9. How fun! Congratulations to you guys.

  10. Bridget's reaction was so cute! Congratulations!!

  11. I like Mathias!! (And it just dawned on me that the girls end in "et"--yeah, real observant, I know...) :)
