Wednesday Randoms

1. Lucas's school had a fun fundraiser where the teachers/staff are the employees at McDonalds.
They take the order, make the food and deliver it.
Lucas begged to go, but I couldn't take him and the stars aligned and Nathan was able to squeeze it in between work full time, school full time, and being the mom and dad full time.

It was also fun because we never eat fast food. I can't even remember the last time we had fast food!

Lucas placed his order with Mr. F the school principal.
He was so happy that Mr. F KNEW his name and all about his family. I love his school so much!

2. Bed Rest Sucks. Like More than I can describe.
Because I can't do much this happens WAAAAY too often:

3. I love to cook. Its my outlet, my most favorite thing to do for my family and because I can't do it, I have been bookmarking millions of recipes.  The ward has been so great getting meals to us every week but I needed something else. So Nathan asked which one he could make and I picked a pretty easy one...
Italian Sausage Soup
It was so good. It made me sad that I didn't make it! :)  
It also made my need to cook worse.

4. I often worry about Scarlett because she doesn't have school or anything special to do, so I had Nathan pick her up a coloring book and we get special coloring time together.  During this time I was reminded that she is just fine!
 She was making an angry face. Hahaha.
This one is serious face. Hahaha.

5. Someone asked me how I was doing mentally.

Mentally, I was sad. Not depressed, but sad that I can't fully enjoy this pregnancy like the others because I am physically tired of "resting" and worrying about making it to the next day.
I am sad that I don't get to be the mom my children are used to.
I pray that it doesn't affect them long term.  Luckily I get little snipets of the kids assuring me that they love me and that keeping baby safe is the most important thing, not going to the park like we usually do.

That last part was awfully heavy. Sorry about that.
I am glad we got to go to my sister in laws for the kids to get a break, for me to talk to a grownup and to change up our boring lives, right now.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I truly am grateful for our many blessings, our trials too. ;)

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