Post 7 - Here we go again!

*Note - This post happened in the past*
*As of right now, baby and mom doing are okay*

After such a great appointment, everything seemed to be on the up and up.

I got up to say goodbye to family that came over and it started all over again. Bleeding, a lot of bleeding. I was having back cramps and went straight to Platte Valley. They determined there that I was in fact in labor. They sent me to University after stabilizing me and I was there all night. I got a round of steroids for baby's lungs and then was on a million monitors.  The back labor stopped, the bleeding stopped and they kept me there for 3 days.

More steroids, more checking, no more blood.

They told me they wanted me to stay for another 8 weeks.

I couldn't do that. I couldn't leave my family for that long. I needed to see my kids and vowed to the Doc's that I would be on complete bedrest. I told them I have lots of people who are here willing to help me. I wasn't actively bleeding...anymore.  The nurses and OB understood.

They made me sign an AMA (against medical advice) and I got to come home after 3 long days.  It is going to take everything within me to ask for help, because I hate to do that, but to keep baby in, and my children safe - that is just what I will have to do.

If I bleed again (time #5) I will have to stay at the hospital and matter what. I would love to make it past christmas...for obvious reasons. Please keep us in your prayers. Viability is the most important thing right now and the longer "it" stays in the better. The thought of a Micro Preemie scares me, but I know I chose to do what was best for me, my sanity, and my family.

I am grateful to BH for taking my kids to church and making sure I am okay and to CM for visiting me 3x in the hospital. :)  It made the stay so much better.

So far I have been getting help with meals, pick ups and drop offs and bedtimes because Nathan is still in school.  It is so hard to be on complete bed rest but I am doing what I can and that's all I can do.

Wish us luck. :)


  1. Oh my gosh! How scary! You're not far enough along to have viability, yet, are you? You're definitely in my prayers, Val. What a humbling experience! (And scary, and frustrating, and character-building... not to mention other things, right?) I would have done the same thing - I don't know that I could leave my family in the hands of others for 8 weeks - it'd be hard enough depending on others for that long even if I was there! I hope this time passes quickly for you and that all will be well. :)

  2. Oh Valerie! I think of you all the time. I will be wishing you luck and praying for you. Boyd is also thinking of you too.

  3. Many prayers for you and hoping you'll be going through the waddle stage much later than now!!!!!!
