New York Day Two, part one

We did so much today I need to break this post into two parts.

We woke up bright and early and headed to the French Bakery across the street.
I had the Elephant Ears or Palmiers and Nathan had a Cranberry Muffin.

Then we got on the subway...our first subway!

 We headed right to Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty.
We decided not to take the ferry because the museum and the statue were closed due to Hurricane Sandy, so we just walked around and saw the sights.

 Universal Soldier. Check out these flags.

I spy Greece!

The Statue of Liberty.

Us in front of the Hudson. No airplanes landed while we took this picture. ;)

It was so cold, but it was still 8:30. :)

This is a view of One World Tower from Battery Park.

Uncle Nathan and Nephew Phil. :) 

 Immigrants Monument.

I was getting a picture of this building when Stephanie and I were being dumb.
Oh man, I couldn't stop laughing. You know, when you can't stop and you can't breathe, and then it hurts and you STILL can't stop. Yea. 

and then Steph got an airborne delivery from an avian friend.

Theo helped her clean it up. She is going to KILL me when she sees I posted this. Haha.

Here is the bull from the financial district.

Then we went back on the Subway to see Ground Zero, and the 9/11 Monument.
What a hassle. You have to get a free ticket which is on one side of the world, then walk to the other side of the world just to get worse-than-airport-security-screened, just to walk right back to where you were.

There was no one near this particular section when Nathan and I walked up. 
How weird that it just happened to have 3 FireStation/Companies on it.

One World Tower, still being built.
There were 50 security/police on the premises. So strange for a memorial.

Oh man I love this picture for SO many reasons. LOL

Once we got there, it was soooooooo quiet.


A little sad, and cool, and sad.

Then we parted ways. Nathan and I went on (because we didn't have kids) and had a walking lunch and visited Saint Peter's Cathedral.

 Cool Fact:

Look how the deal with parking:

I don't know about you, but this freaks me out a little. 

Then we hit the subway again and went to Times Square, we ran into Chris Cuomo!

 That story and pictures are for tomorrow! Plus we went to Shabbat and dinner with my family. Until tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Come on! I need part two! I'm living vicariously through you right now. :-)
