Hair Remorse

Mason has needed a hair cut for a while.

Today, was just the day we NEEDED to do it because he woke up from nap like this...

 It looks like he had it up in a pony tail, haha.
So, I decided it was time.

He didn't freak out or anything. Nathan cut it on a 6 and took off soooooo much!

Here it is...

He gave his pirate face seal of approval.

In all honesty, I didn't even realize it was "that long" until today. Now I am sort of embarrassed that he was walking around with that mop for so long. Haha.

Just for fun, Lucas's first Hair Cut at 7 months.

Not much to show for it. Lucas's issue was not length, it was unevenness.
Here is Lucas after the cut.

I'd say they were brothers. :)
When Mason woke up this morning I almost thought he was Lucas. They look so much alike now.
I guess I am not second guessing the cut as much as I am sad he is growing up.
It is weird to think each kid has had their official "first hair cut" now.
There are so many firsts that are about to happen with Mason, and it makes me sad to think that they will also become lasts.

Oh well, moving on, right?


  1. There is definitely something bitter-sweet about children growing up. You are such a wonderful mom! It can be very hard to treasure each step in the moment.

  2. Awww! I love it! So many last first, indeed. Some sad to see go... some, not so much. HAHAHA Love this post!! :) And the last one...
