Winter Break Activity #2, #3, and #4

#2 - We made Borax Snowflakes

#3 - We surprised Daddy at work and kidnapped him for Lunch:
 It was just funny that this random food truck pulled up RIGHT as we were waiting for him. HAHAHA
 We took him to Panera. Bridget yelled out in the middle of the restaurant 
"Yous is ares special guest fors lunch!"
Guess you had to be there. LOL
 Juliet sat by the fireplace and enjoyed her own Ham sandwich. Ham is her favorite kind of sandwich.

Our whole family split 2 of these suckers!

#4 - We went "sledding" WHILE it was snowing. I think we got 13 inches total up by us.
 Scarlett refused to wear her snow pants so Bridget wore them.
 Lucas rode his new bike!
 Then Scarlett realized Bridget was wearing HER pants, aaah girls.

 Bridget begged not to go on the jumps that Lucas and Nathan made...
They didn't listen. Haha.

Such a fun week so far! So glad Nathan's work declared today a snow day, and that Mackenzie and Emma could come over for a much needed playdate.  The kids really love having friends over.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a fun mom! You need to tell me how to make those Borax snowflakes!
