NICU week 1

What a difference a week makes!

Week 1: It has been a rough week on me. My Spinal Headache lasted 8 days. I was taking Percocet for my headache not my incision.  I wanted to come visit more but it just wasn't possible. I was in so much pain.

At Birth: Breathing on own, then intibated b/c breathing too hard. Feeding through tubes in abdomen.

Day 3: I had to leave the hospital, but Mason was on CPAP doing a GREAT job!

Day 5: Took him off CPAP - on high flow nasal oxygen and eating VERY well. Took out umbilicoard iv line into artery but still in vein one. Turned off bili lights at night to see how it goes. Breathing better, eating 16 ml every 4 hours and he's pooping good. LOTS of improvements.

31 Weeks : Almost an ounce - 21cc of food - tolerate feeds. Seems to want more after feedings.  Nasal canula still but moved to low flow. If continues to go well he will be off the IV for feeds.
Big yawn!
They were so worried about his hands not opening and being small - and look at them, they are GIANT! Hahaha.
He is also wearing CLOTHES! 
 He was just looking at Lucas.  Lucas cried a little again, he wanted his brother to be okay.
He grabbed Bridget's hand and wouldn't let go! She was ecstatic.

Mason continues to impress the NICU team. Every time they try something new he is ready!
The head of pediatrics told us Mason was just so eager to be with us he is trying to out do all the other babies so he can go home!

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