Mommy and Mason

I was fortunate enough to spend a good chunk of the evening at the NICU without Nathan, aka The Baby Hog!

My friend took me there and took pictures the whole time. 
So this should be titled "Photo Bomb"
 Even though he is tiny, he looks amazing!
Here is some perspective to how small he is!

We came at shift change so I got to take his temp...

This was the first time I heard him cry, like really cry.  It was such a great sound to hear.
I moved to the other side to weigh him and he was staring at me the majority of the time.
In fact the whole time I was there he was completely awake and responding to my voice.
A good stretch for my tall boy!
He is 17 inches and 4 pounds at 32 1/2 weeks. There is talk about adjusting his age to 34 1/2 weeks because my due date was unknown since I bled so much.
Hey there!
 Mason never had his footprints taken because he wasn't breathing at birth, and had to go straight to the NICU. They didn't have time to do it, so I asked, and got to do it!
So glad she was there to take pictures for me!
He just stared at me and listened to me. So chill.
The nurse let me hold him out of the swaddle!

He was so alert and awake and adorable!
I got to hold him during a feed and just love on him.
 He is such a grabby mcgrabberson! He was pulling out the nasal cannula over and over - I would too they suck...or is it blow? Haha.

Such tender moments. It was extremely hard to leave him. He pooped in protest as we were leaving. Haha.
He is getting stronger everyday and I just love him so much.

I am so grateful my friend could take me, and stay with me, and watch me cry.  It has been especially hard since my across the street neighbor had her baby 4 days after me and has her "termie" home with her. 
Soon I will be there. Soon.


  1. He is so beautiful and strong. Really a miracle in a million ways. So proud of you for enduring this hard time, for helping him to get a big start on life, for being all you can for all your babies.

  2. I'm glad you were able to spend some time with Mason last night! : ) That's great that they already want to move up his age! Not too much longer and you can take him home : )

  3. His hairs looks reddish... I am concerned... ;) Your hair is super long! I can't wait to meet him. I am glad he will be big enough that I can't break him when we see him. Love and miss you all.

  4. He is adorable! I think his "Hey there" photo resembles alot of features of his brother. Hope you are doing well and taking it easy.
