NICU week 2

I am feeling better. It is so hard to know you have 5 kids and only have 4 with you.
Breaks my heart. :(

 Day 10 -32 ccs every 3 hours!

Day 11Only need a little O2 and is taking 33cc every hour of 26 cal milk up from 24cal.
Also he is doing very well in taking a binkie and sucking and maintaining his body heat.

Day12 - 3.9 pounds (almost at birth weight after a big drop) off caffine,  gaining 2oz a day. bath last night. off warmer/temperature...maintaining own heat.

Day 14 - Popped the top off for body temp test and passed! Feedings good (33ccs every 3 hours) Start iron injections!

Day 15 - Got a call that he needed to go back on high flow nasal canula, not a big deal but Nathan made it work so we could go in immediately, so we did.

The best part of the week was that I FINALLY got to hold him. They don't want too much stimulation so they try and space it out. Here we are FINALLY holding our sweet, sweet baby. :)
Monkey fingers. They tell us he loves to pull out his cords. Hahaha.
 No more top! Whew!
Tiny Stethoscope!
I can see now that Nathan is right "Their weird limbs are from you"
I was also crying in this picture. I have waited for 15 LONG days to hold my baby. 

Love those Mr. Burns fingers! :P
He is almost 17 inches, but looks so small still.
 Lots of BROWN hair! 
 He might have to be called peanut.
 I started talking to him and he woke up!
So I sang him the song that the kids loved when they were babies and he "smiled" I know he is too young to really smile but we DID get some form of happiness. :)
Nathan, the baby hog, didn't want to leave. I didn't want to either but the other kids needed us.
 So we said our goodbyes, gave one last hug...
...and left. He is truly a miracle and we are so grateful he came and lived and so far is doing really well.

We love and miss you Mason!


  1. What a precious little boy! Our prayers are with you and Mason! Hopefully he gets to come home soon!!

  2. So glad you finally got to hold your sweet baby!!

  3. Your hair is so long! I love it.I am so glad you got to hold him.I can't imagine all the emotions you have all been experiencing. We're still praying :)

  4. wow Val! Amazing miracles! What a blessed little angel! Reading and seeing the pictures reminds me of Peter in the NICU and brings back feelings and memories. I'm glad you are chronicling it, he and you two will love looking back on "the time he was in the NICU" Prayers still going your way! Thanks for the updates!

  5. Such a sweet post. You know Boyd was only an inch longer than Mason when he was born at 40 weeks. He was 17.5 inches. He was so tiny. I can't seem to wrap my mind around just how little Mason is. 3.9 pounds. Wow. He looks absolutely precious. And you took like you are just glowing. So beautiful! Hope he continues on the up and up and that you will get to hold him any time you want to. Thinking of you always.
