Cali Day 4

Cue - Natasha Bedingfeld's song "Unwritten"- and Lauren Conrad in a convertible. J/K
We drove down PCH...
Showed Lucas where he will be going to college...
Then we went down past Malibu and Zuma - 2 of my most favorite beaches and went to Leo Carillo State Beach.
This is the first time we went here. 
There were discovery pools and a bunch more here to do - keep scrolling down...
Lucas collected clam shells - we inspected the insides.
Bridget found some really neat sea shells. We kept them in our collector bag.
Something really awesome about this beach was that they had a marine biology camp going on so my Witte's got to watch the mini scientists at work. Each scientist got a box and had to try on the costume/outfit and then put on special pieces that the animal exhibited. They had to maneuver and measure certain things and determine if it were a special classification of sea life.  I got to take with me each and every handout because I asked the kids/scientists for them and they didn't care. I am totally recreating this in a few summers!
This beach is covered with cool things to look at.
But before we delve into the coolness - we did the ocean running thing.
Until a giant wave came and knocked Scarlett off her feet. She wasn't having it after that.
Lucas and Bridget were so enthralled with the sounds and smells and "feels" of the ocean.
I am glad Lucas was leading the science talk behind the whole experience. 
Bridget just listened and contributed.
 Juliet - is such a crack up. She was talking the entire time. It was hilarious!
 I tried to get one of the 5 of them - but you know kids...
 Juliet was kicking and trying to get in that water. She reminds me of Bridget at this age and all I can say to that is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! for the future. - Just Kidding - well, a little bit.
 Love these people.
 Me and my booty made it in this picture!
 Scarlett was visited by a lifeguard who bandaged her up. She fell on some driftwood.
 Scarlett tried to go back in the water but it knocked her down again. 
She kept the shoes and the car seat safe.
 Bridget was in heaven. If we let her be free and try not to reign her in as much she is such a better little girl. Picture wild mustang. That is Bridget.
 This boy is honestly why I keep having kids. He is such an amazing little boy. He is a great brother and he reminds me everyday why I am the mother I am. Love this kid to pieces.
 This kid on the other hand...Just Joking. She is the kid that teaches me so much. Our family would be so quiet without her and who wants quiet? Exactly - so we kept her.

*PSA about my Bangs* This is why I never had bangs in HS - the humidity and my hair = CURLY HAIR. This is why it is UP! It was a hot mess of wringlets.  Okay back to the post.
 Now on to the awesome beach. They had a Junior Lifeguard Program on the other side of the cliffs. So we went and discovered what was over there. Lucas tried to out baywatch them but his pecks aren't big enough yet - and he just doesn't tan. So that's out. 
These kids were in the explorer program. The park Rangers handed out the shovels and they had to see how many scoops until they hit water.
 There were also wading pools through out for the kids to play with fish. You can't see them in this picture but Bridget was all over it.
 Scarlett chased Scuttle.
 Then we left. 
This beach is at 16 feet elevation. Haha.

I love taking the kids to the beach next time the kids want to boogie board and stay longer.
2 1/2 hours is a long time but for kids who burn its never long enough.

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