
With Nathan's new huge promotion that he got last week - okay wait let me rewind.

Nathan got a phone call last week that his immediate boss wanted to meet with him at 8:15am.
That same day he was supposed to have Lunch with the CTO and the head of the Division.

Nathan got there and the offered him a promotion that bumped him up 3 levels and offered him a new contract.

He went to Lunch and was suprised to hear how well he was doing. We got the contract yesterday and it stipulates no open public blogs, or forums where his name could be in Jepordy or his reputation towards the company. You know those drinking pictures and frat party pictures on Facebook had to go. HAHAHA.

The best part is that we didn't have to move and that it came at a time where we were really tested to have faith that things were going to work out.

This is Nathan's first RAISE since he started working there last May.

So, he can only have a facebook, but with limited visibility and a LinkedIn profile.  They are also paying for school so that is another HUGE relief. Except that next semester I won't see him until after 8pm. So he will be gone 4 days a week from 7am to 8pm. With one day every other week a work from home day.

We are so blessed to have this job, and if the blog has to go private for him to be on the road to VP- so be it. :)


  1. Congratulations Nathan and Valerie!

  2. How exciting!!! You guys lead an amazing life full of adventures!

  3. Congratulations Nathan! That is awesome! And I am glad we can still read about your adventures...

  4. Congrats! Don't forget to make your old blog private too:

  5. I think it's a good thing. (Of course) Thanks for letting me read! And congrats to Nathan.

  6. You didn't listen to me, ill never expect anything less... LOL ;)

  7. Congrats!! And a private blog is an easy price to pay for that!!
