Flashback Friday: May 2012

I was sorting things from the old laptop to my new one. 
I totally fried the old one, and lucky for me, I married a computer genius. (he made me say that) haha. 
I was moving May over to the archives and forgot to post this gem!

In Kindergarten, on their graduation, they joined with Mrs. States class.
They were all singing some pretty funny songs.
During a heartfelt talk from Mrs. Kelso and Mrs. States they decided to ask the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Now, I am sure you will not be surprised what Lucas says he wants to be, but really listen to it because Lucas and Robert are the only kids who picked a job and something else...
The kid after Lucas said he wanted to be an Alien! The kid after said a zombie. Hahaha.

Lucas said he wanted to be a Fireman, a Cop, and a Dad.

Ever since Lucas was about 6 months old, he has been fascinated with Firetrucks.
When he was 1, he could tell you what kind of firetruck he liked, and what sort of jobs firemen do.
At 2, Lucas learned that you had to do an obstacle course and train to be a fireman. 
He would try and make these courses at home. So silly.
At 3, he had the ultimate Fireman Birthday Party  
After that party all he could talk about was firetrucks and firemen, etc.
Our neighbor across the street humors Lucas when he asks him questions - because he is a real fireman!
Even to this day, Lucas could talk your ear off about fire safety, or anything related to fire. :)

I love this kid, and that he truly loves the idea of serving others as a future career.
For the record: Nathan's job looks too boring for Lucas. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Auntie Steph7/28/12, 9:11 AM

    Wow Bridget look so happy in that group shot hahaha!!
