Witte Family Fun Day 2.5 and 3

After the village, we went back to the cabin for lunch.
Juliet cracks me up.
Danielle and Mason having a fun time during nap.

Then Ryan and Veronica and crew left. We took naps and then split up.
Since I have 2 kids who can't bowl, we went to the fair instead of bowling with everyone else.
It was a GREAT choice because it was a kids fair and everything was FREE!
 A close up of Bridget, the model.
 Juliet was freaked out by the sound. It was really loud.
 The kids climbed right in, no fear.

 And up they went!

 They went up 1500 feet and then came down. The kids LOVED this so much!
Then we walked the fair.
 It was overcast, cool and beautiful outside. 61 degrees.
There were 6 jumping castles. All different, all free and no lines!
This one was a fire dog one!
They had a tiger one for the littles.
Juliet was MAD when she had to get out.
Each kid did the jumping castles a few times each.
The people of Winter Park are so friendly and nice. I was impressed.
The kids spotted this jumping castle and that was it. They waited together and some people asked if they wanted to race so we figured it out so each sibling could race each other and there was no fights or arguments. I loved it!
The kids finally got their turn and went right at it.
It had 8 obstacles inside. Bridget (Annie Oakley) kept up with Lucas the whole time.
*que song* "Anything you can do, I can do better"
Lucas ended up winning, but Bridget didn't care. She did the whole course without stopping! She was proud of herself! After the jumping castles there were games to play.
There were dogs, and YES! Bridget is petting one!
Baby steps, baby steps. LOL

Then it was time to leave, so we had cotton candy and watched the concert.

 Juliet was MAD that we ran out. Hahaha.
 So, Bridget gave her the last bite. Such a good sister.

We came home and had dinner and then Ben and Danielle made rootbeer floats for dessert.

 To make the portions smaller, I had them eat it out of tea cups. Haha.
The kids went to bed, we watched fireworks on TV and stayed up late talking.

The next day the kids were quiet and playing games.
 I gave them some TNT poppers

 Caught two cute faces in this one.

Then we packed up and headed home.

Goodbye Winter Park!
It was so much fun getting together, and being in such a beautiful place.

On the way home we stopped and got everyone in their swimsuits. We all slapped our clothes back on and I held Juliet so Nathan could change too. Well, she didn't make it.
So I drove home and let the kids just run in the sprinklers.
I really wanted to go swimming, dang it!

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