Just Because

We had a difficult day at church. It was interesting because we never sit in the middle. I try to always pick a side bench, because it is easier to contain the hoodlums. 
Lucas asked me, once we were seated on the side bench, "why don't we ever sit in the middle?" 
Knowing the answer, I still decided to oblige him and move to the middle rows.

We did pretty good, until Juliet ( almost 18 months ) started realizing she had more "room" and tried to escape. Then Mason needed to eat. Then Scarlett had to go potty. Then Lucas went to throw something away and walked right past us, and was just being too silly. When Nathan talked to him about it, Lucas lost it, and started crying. So, he took Juliet and Lucas out and then Mason hit the wood on the bench so he was crying. Bridget for the life of her could not sit forward facing. 5 minutes to the end Lucas looks at me and says "oh, this is why we never sit in the middle" *DING*DING*DING* YOU GOT IT! 

I had prepared a really awesome lesson for my class, and one kid, one! showed up.
So I told her we should go crash the older girls class and she seemed excited. I walk out of that class and the primary president said we had 4 teachers not show up today, and I needed to teach the 8 year old boys.

I had these particular boys when they were 4 - and they were much MUCH better for me back then. 
Today, that whole class was terrible. I was embarrassed for their teachers.

After class, I go in to help Nursery and to trade Mason for Juliet (with Nathan) and help and stay.
Juliet loves nursery, so luckily that will be an easy transition for her.

On the way home, we discover that our lovely children had some how in the past week, destroyed the basement. They were talking about it and it was revealed that they were in the boxes of stuff 
(because the basement is under construction) were all torn apart. Immediately, Nathan and I go down there, and it is, in fact, a wreck. So instead of family time of fun, they got to spend family time a cleanin!

While they were down there, I decided to just make cupcakes.
Just Because.

We had meatball subs for dinner and then while we were having our usual Sunday talks, we decided to go on a family walk. The kids were already in their jammies, but who cares?
 There is a huge construction project by my house. They are building a bridge to connect the 2 neighborhoods and to go under Holly so the middle schoolers don't have to cross the street. It is almost done. We were going to check that out, but the grass was too tall.
 Scarlett likes the grass short. :)
Each kid took a turn pushing the stroller, I noticed how defined Bridget has become...
This girl is all muscle!

Since the park was just right there, we let the kids play.

Mason tried the swings. Going back was fine, but coming forward, FREAKED him out.
He would tense and get scared. Lucas tried to make him laugh...
That video wasn't great, but you get the idea. 
He was ready to go home, so we did.

It was like 7:45 and the kids found the drainage tunnel and Lucas said 
"hey! I see a ladder in there! do you think ninja turtles are real?"
Nathan and I chuckled.
Someone's sprinklers were on and the puppy dog faces were on, so we let them run in the sprinklers.
 Mason flew!
The clouds were coming in so we ran home!

The kids washed up and I told them we had cupcakes were for dessert!
And as a suprise, I "sprinkled" them with pop rocks.

Totally made the day better! TOTALLY.
We had no complaints:

Sometimes I get frustrated when the kids misbehave, but really, they are just being kids.
I know I wasn't ALWAYS perfect for my parents...right Dad? 

It is my job as a mom to realize these things, and let them go.
The time with them "little" is so short. 
Ya, know?

1 comment:

  1. We've just started to be able to sit in the middle without total meltdowns. So much easier to sit on the side! We went walking in pj's tonight too.
