Little Men

Today was the day I started our Back to School regime.

First, we emptied Lucas's closet.
Vacuumed it.
Then, he tried everything, I mean everything, on.
We put all the 5's and 6's away - because they are too small.
When I say too small, I mean - mid forearm and upper ankle.

Then we went through the drawers.
I can't believe even his underwear was too small!
So, we tossed the undies, resorted the socks and called it done.

After the clothes were sorted, we moved on to his room arrangement.
We changed the sheets, flipped the mattress, moved the bed to the other side of the room and vacuumed.
We steamed the carpets, dusted and washed the baseboards, and called it done.

D O N E.

I made a list of what we needed to buy for the up coming school year.

All while listening to music from my teenage years, and dancing in the hall way.
Mason loved us all being together and being loud.
The kids were all working together and we had breakfast for lunch as a treat. :)
 Mason has been rolling to where he needs to be. It is sooooo cute. 
He squeals and laughs and then stops and waves his arms like "come get me!"

How can you not?

Especially when this happens...
My boys are growing up. Lucas is in a solid size 7 and Mason is in 6-9, 6-12 months.
I am extremely happy about this, for a while there I was worried that Mason was never going to get out of 0-3 month clothes. He is so close to crawling!  Lucas amazes me every day with all that he is learning, and I feel proud that most of it is on his own!

I love that my kids are happy (for the most part) to work together for a common goal. In today's case, it was to earn ice cream sundaes for getting Lucas's room, and clothes completed.  Tomorrow I get to do it all again (for the girls) oh joy. I think the reward will be something without sugar, as I can still hear them giggling upstairs. hehehe.

There is something about getting things checked off the list, putting things away, getting rid of old and broken toys, and deep cleaning a room. I feel so accomplished. I really shouldn't though, there are at least 7 more "rooms" to go! *yikes*

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