7 of 7

Here are SEVEN silly faces of our silly SEVEN month old!

Before I start, Mason is such a character! He is always making silly faces and laughing and giggling and we just love it so much.
 He has a better smile than this, but this face goes with a cute little chuckle.
 This is his face when the kids "try" to make him laugh. Which in turn, makes us laugh.
 This face is his face when he is talking. We hear "oohs and mmms" and lots of drool.
 Love those eyelashes!
A little worried. 

Mason out grew his braces, and was fitted for new ones.
The PT is impressed because he can roll over BOTH ways, and can do this:
Seriously, this is the most exciting thing EVER!
 Now THAT is a cute smile! :)
Oh, look here is Lucas at 7 months:

Something Mason still does is suck his thumb.
 Then, when he is satisfied, he naps on his hands.

But, at night, he always sleeps on his back!
How weird!

Dear Mason, we love you so much and think you are pretty great.
You are growing so fast, and we are so proud of you!
Love the 6 of us. :)

PS - Here is a silly face of Lucas at 7 months:

He is almost 6 years old. *sniff, sniff*

1 comment:

  1. I heard about your awesome news coming in Jan! YAY YAY YAY!
