
For awhile Bridget has asked to take a dance class. Scarlett wanted to do something too, but of course...she was too young.  Then Miss Liesel (a friend of mine who is classically trained) decided to start up a new ballet class.  So we jumped at the chance.

I tried to get pictures of them before, but my lens was fogging and it was raining, so these will have to do...

Bridget's class goes first.

Since it was pouring today, we stayed inside and played around.
Juliet thinks its hilarious to push Mason around.

After Bridget was done Scarlett ran right in.

I tried to tell Bridget that Ballerinas don't wear panties, but she didn't believe me...until Miss Liesel said something about the 4 year old's and their panties showing. That was it...she won't wear them again. Haha.

As I figured, Bridget listened and took direction well.
Scarlett on the other hand, well, she likes to twirl. 
So we had to talk about not being such a space cadet.

They both loved their class, and loved eating lunch in the car.
We rushed over to preschool and I had a good 11 minutes to myself before Lucas came home from school.
Early Release is LAME!

Lucas and I had a Lego date and then picked up the girls from school.
It was a jam packed day, but fun. :)

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