Picnic and Playtime

We have a lot jam packed into the next 2 weeks. To top it off, Nathan has been covering for his boss all month who is out of town - which means...late hours.
So, we decided to slow down a bit, pack a lunch and head out to a new park I found.

This park had 4 playgrounds AND a basketball court, and a perfect place to ride bikes/scooters.
The only negative thing was woodchips (UGH)

It was so nice to decompress and just be together. No where to go, nothing to do, no agendas.

Nathan and I just sat in the grass with Mason and watched the kiddos.

He is such a chunky happy boy!

Mason really enjoys being up. You will see so many pics of this.
But when you get a reaction like this...

 How can you stop?

The kids had a great time. We were the only people there!

We brought a feast for lunch.
It was delicious and nice to just eat in the 65 degree weather.
Breeze and peace.

This was one of the climbers. So cool right?

 Bridget's hair is really coming in thick now!

Mason was stealing raspberries.

 Hugs and kisses too!

Juliet came up and asked to be "upped"

Here she is mid toss.

We brought out the bikes and scooters.

More climbing, chasing, and giggling. 
Lucas sporting some new freckles:

Juliet somehow managed to swipe a sandwich and run off with it.

This next one isn't "great" but I love it so much.
You can't fake joy. Hehehe

One last runthough before we left. We were there for hours.

We came home and dropped a small fortune at the lumber store to prep for the upcoming weekend.
Back to real busy life, which is good.
Not as great as today's easy day, but you get it. :)

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