Family Fun(d) Night

Our school doesn't "sell" stuff. They have fundraisers, but there is nothing to buy.

Lucas's school has field day in September and the kids get sponsored for each event 
and that is the fun(d) raiser. 

Lucas raised $30 from family and friends.
Our whole family was able to participate.

It was a great Wednesday evening activity.
This was the second attempt this year because of the rain. 
It looked cloudy and we lucked out, but it was FREEZING.

This year there was a food truck!

Extra bonus -  it was in an Air Stream! (extra points since Danielle(SIL) designs the interiors)

We were there early (no surprise) and so we tossed the kids around and let them play for a while.
Which means more air time for Maceroni and Cheese. Hehehe.

Mrs. Hearnen spotted Lucas and gave him a big hug. She helped him get his ribbon on.

Robert and Lucas. They are so adorable.

While the police were doing their demo, I snagged dinner. Juliet enjoying Grilled Cheese.

Mason was FREEZING.


Scarlett had a few turns and was done. She was so cold.

So, Nathan, my awesome husband and father to my children took the babies home...

But my older 2 plowed on.

And then it was time for the 3 legged race.  I couldn't pick just one to show you so here are a few...

 This was their first time doing this and true to Witte form, they were over confident.
So they fell.

A teacher helped them up and then they figured it out, real quick.

But they were tangled.
So she fixed them and on they went.

Not quite first, but happy they finished!

These kids are so cute. I need to save this picture for when they are fighting. *wink*

After the race we went to the tire roll and then on to the ball jump.

We love Mrs. King!

Then the gunny sack race!

 I should have video'd this. Lucas's laughter was awesome.

 Bridget pooped out so Mrs. Lockwood helped her get back. :)

Then on to hurdles.

They had built this contraption and Lucas soaked this poor poor teacher on the first try.

Every event earned a sticker. They did each event several times. The kids had a blast.

Bridget is eating something in this picture. 
what a ham.

This event had a great turn out and we saw many ward members and neighbors.
I love that community aspect of the school.

1 comment:

  1. Auntie Steph9/27/12, 9:00 AM

    My poor brother-in-law. He should have stayed and took pictures after all theres no way he could mess them up with your new camera haha.

    Love all these pictures of my nephews and nieces, wish I could see them more!!!
