Dinner at the Wittes

I love that on Conference Weekend my family does a whole lotta this...
 Sometimes this...
 Umm gross...
 Aww, this happens most Sunday mornings.
But after the first session we got dressed and ate lunch and took naps and then headed to the Witte's.
Uncle Chris was ordained an Elder tonight because he is preparing for his mission.  The girls well, Bridget is usually afraid of dogs but today both kids were loving on Pepe. (Grandpa Plumb's dog)
 It was nice to not hear screaming this time!
 Then Veronica came and Bridget got to hold her new cousin.  She told us in the car that she was the most excited to see Sydney. Judging on this picture I think she was right.
 Lucas only asked Veronica if he could hold her about 5 times before he got the chance to.  He loves babies.
Sydney is so annoyed with my picture taking every time I see her. I just can't help it. :)

It was a fun night. Ben and Danielle were there too and the kids got some special time with them that they loved.  I am sad conference weekend is over it was such a nice break! :)


  1. So cute! Have a great week.

  2. Sorry for my bad english. I would like to get updated with you new posts as I love to read your blog. Add me to your mailing list if you have any.

  3. Great pictures Val! They are so adorable!!

    To Anonymous...how can she add you to anything without knowing you you are? I mean what is your name or mailing address so she can set you up on it hmmmmmm? Cant be to secretive can we?
