Unexpected Surprises?

I was cleaning the sink and accidentally broke the faucet and basin.  Have no fear my husband says. Why would he say that?

Well last night we went on a much needed Date. Reina came over to babysit and we went to Happy Sumo (a GOOD sushi restaurant) we also did a little shopping, and I got a hair cut and then we ran into Lowe's before it closed.  I know, so romantic right?  Well we just happened to buy a new faucet for the kitchen sink...it was on our list of General Conference fix-it lists and so it was great timing...except we didn't expect to have to buy a new basin too! Yikes!

The kids woke up and were ready to start the day when it broke so Nathan took the opportunity to teach the kids how to replace the sink and basin.  They had a great time.  We ended up just getting a cheap replacement sink since we are planning on getting new countertops in the next few months and I plan on getting a drop sink. Any way...here are the kids being funny and "helpful"

As soon as Scarlett wakes up she puts on shoes, anyones shoes really. :)

Then we got dressed, and headed outside to clean up the yard and rearrange some things in preparations.
Bridget was so into helping! 
 Then it got really cold outside so the jackets went on and the bikes came out.
 Gotta love the flipflops and jackets. They are so my children!
 Or how about Shorts and a Jacket? Hahaha.
 Scarlett was staring at the clouds. She loves to do this.
Then we came in and I made Apple Brown Betty. YUM!

This was made with my FAVORITE fall apple the Honey Crisp!

Try it you won't regret it!

I think I bought like 25 apples today just because I plan on making so much stuff in the next week!

Anyway. This day started out with an unexpected surprise but I am so happy to have my new sink and faucet. Especially because there is more room to fill it! Hahaha
Just Kidding! :)


  1. Wow, how lucky that Nathan didn't get mad that you "broke" the sink! Hahaha

  2. Man!!! You guys are awesome!! And filled with so muchknow how and energy! Good job! I can't wait to see all your rennovations:)
