Seriously Sooooo Blessed!

I was lucky enough to get away for a long weekend without my kids.  I wish it could have been WITH my husband but it was nice to just be with my family alone too.  I got to eat great food, shop, and plan my Dad's 50th.  Not to mention announce my 4th pregnancy to my parents.

I had a great time, and from what I hear Nathan is exhausted. While I was having fun in rainy California he managed to do 7 loads of laundry, clean out the pantry, organize the fridge, sort and toss things in the linen closets and keep all 3 kids entertained and alive.  Bridget was upset that she had to wear headbands while I was gone but reported she had a fun time.  I missed Lucas's 1st primary program and that he was chosen to dress up as Alma and Nathan was chosen to dress up as 1st and 2nd Nephi but he missed me a lot he said. Scarlett has been totally fine without me because she really only likes Nathan anyway.

I had told my kids that I went to Los Angeles because they know that Grandma and Grandpa live in CALIFORNIA but when I arrived back home I let them know that I was in fact at Grandma and Grandpa's house they were so upset that they didn't get to see them but once they heard that Grandma and Grandpa picked out presents for them they were okay about it.

My kids have decided I am not allowed to go to Los Angeles or California alone again and Nathan told me how glad he was to have me home, more because he missed me rather than he was tired of being me. Hahaha.


  1. Glad you had a good time! And glad everyone here survived! Lucas really did great in the program, and I even got to see him dressed up in Primary, and it was SUPER cute. He was wiggling his mustache. :) SO ... is your family excited about another little granddaughter/niece?!?!

  2. I'm glad you have a good time in Cali! Congrats on the pregnancy! I had no idea : )
