Halloween Fun #1 and #2

We started out our day getting ready for Lucas's PreSchool Party. Here he is. He is not a dog, or just a plain dalmatian, he is a FIRE DOG and that is what he has been telling people since the costume was purchased.
 The girls, I mean Bridget cried because she wanted to wear her costume too, but I told her she could be twins with Scarlett and that was cool with her.  Mrs. McDonald even mentioned how cute the twins were when we arrived at school.
Now I am not saying they look like twins, but they are sure starting to really look alike. See...
 I really feel lucky to have such cute kids. :)

They did a little parade at school had a little party with games and fun and then it was pickup time.
Lucas was so excited he fell asleep in the car.

We waited for Nathan to get home and then headed out to the Ward Trunk or Treat.
Fire Dog, Kitty and Monkey.
Our theme this year is pets.
You will see us all together tomorrow! :)
 Here is Scarlett telling me and anyone else who would listen what a monkey says..."ooh-ooh Aah Aah Aah"
Here is Bridget and some of her good friends. Chaira and Camryn. 
Bridget was telling them all about her upcoming party and they were ALL ears!
Lucas and his bud Anna. She had such an AWESOME costume. She was Mary Poppins and her brother was Bert. AAH I loved it.

It was a quick little evening and I can't wait for the festivities to continue tomorrow!


  1. I totally wanted Kayla to be a fire dog, since Alex was a fireman, but she would have nothing to do with the costume. I finally gave up and took it back, and she was a princess. Oh well!
