Hey You!

My mom has another blog. Did you know that?

If you have a cute toddler like me, or know a cute toddler like me who sometimes gets bored or likes to do fun things but has the attention span of well - a toddler you should check it out.

There are lots of fun activities for toddlers, and lesson plan helpers for moms of toddlers too!

Check it out because there is an AWESOME giveaway that ends on Friday and you get to pick what you want and get a $50 gift card with it too!
Remember that attention span thing I was talking about earlier? - Yep, so there right now. Bye!

Oh and yes, I do have my mother's huge feet - Thanks a lot HORN side!


  1. Just in case you don't see my comment on Emily's blog, we have a weird connection... MY birthday is also April 11th and I ALWAYS tell people that Easter comes around every 11 years! Are we twins?!?!

  2. We MUST be twins!!!! :) If you tell me you were born in Texas, I'm immediately calling Oprah so we can get a long lost twins finally meet show. :D
