Happy vs. Not So Happy

This morning the girls were playing beauty shop in the bathroom...

This makes me happy
 There was laughter and singing and what seemed like a good wholesome activity.
The phone rang.  It was Nathan wanting to go over the game plan for the evening.
I was downstairs feeding Juliet when it happened.
I should know not to leave ANYONE ALONE with WATER.
I hear screaming and yelling and my favorite Scarlett quote
"Stop touch-in-me BRIDGET!"

I run upstairs and I see what had happened while I was away...
No one would tell me what happened. Which means no one would fess up to how it started.
There was WATER all over the floor, all over their clothes, all over the counter, the mirror I mean they must have just had a spraying war!

I was not so happy.
I almost burst out in screams because they know better.
It wouldn't have gotten me anywhere. The floors, the counter, their clothes and the mirror would have still been wet.  So instead I took the spray bottle away, made them clean up the water and gave them the brushes and combs and said your hair is wet enough, finish up.

It took everything within to stay calm.  We have had this problem before.
I just don't see the purpose in screaming or getting mad when they were just being kids.
Isn't that what kids do?

So on they went doin some hair.
I stayed near so I could hear them singing. 
Scarlett needed to have the bottle in her lap.
So I sat on the tub ledge and talked to my girls while they were pretty-ing up.
It was more fun for me this way.  Had I gotten mad they would have been in their rooms and I wouldn't have been able to witness my girls being girls.
I love how Scarlett's shirt is completely soaked. Haha.
I love my kids, I truly do.
I am grateful that even when they are naughty they are still cute and genuinely apologetic.
I am grateful that I get to be their mom.
This makes me happy.


  1. That is what I love about you..always seeing the good things. Thank you for making me realize at the end of the day it doesn't matter.

  2. So true! I'm guilty of flipping out over stuff that doesn't matter too. They are such sweet girls (yours and mine) and totally worth the trouble, eh? :)

  3. I remember laughing my buns off when Lucas sprayed Bridget, that was hilarious! Your girls, by the way, have beautiful eyes, but I'm sure you know that. ;) Get yer gun ready, Nathan! lol

  4. Thanks Jami - you rarely hear that about brown eyed kids. :)

  5. Really? They have such gorgeous eyes, I'm surprised by that. Those eye lashes! Man, I'm jealous. ;) Really, though, when they smile, you can see it through their eyes. So pretty. :)
