Older and Wiser

Turning 29 is kind of funny.  It's that age that people older than 29 pretend to be turning when they don't want to embrace their actual age.  It's so common, I kind of feel like I'm lying when I say "I'm turning 29 today."  It's like: people who say they're turning 29 just aren't telling the truth.  Because most of them aren't!!  Anyway, I'm looking forward to turning 30 next year, because 29 is just awkward. 

It has this built in ageist angst to it that I just don't like.  And I think I've always been spiritually in my 30s, anyway.  Even when I was a kid, and especially when I was in high school.  Not that I was all that mature or anything, it's just more how I've always seen the world.  Or so I presume.... 
(Having never been in my 30s, myself.)

Moving on.  

Today was a wonderfully normal day for me.  I say wonderfully because 10 years ago when I was a stupid 19 year old I used to imagine where I would be at this time and luckily I am almost pretty much on track.

Tot School, Lunch, Pre School, 75 Facebook birthday wishes and counting! (totally awesome and fun), a phone call from dear old dad (I can say that now that he is almost 50) and a special dinner out.  But something amazingly sweet happened in between preschool drop off and pick up...a special someone brought me flowers!  I was so surprised and excited all at the same time.  She said she wanted to brighten my day and boy she did!  I miss her a lot and it was so nice for her to think about me! :)
I was feeling pretty special already since last night I got several hours of chat time in my own house with a friend and had minimal kid interruption. Thanks Nathan and special friend!!

Anyway I got to pick dinner since it was MY birthday.  I picked Sushi of course. :) It was so delicious.  The kids decorated my sign.  We always take a picture of our kids with a sign on their birthday but I never get one so to keep the kids on track at the restaurant I had them decorate MY sign. 
After dinner I came home and opened my present from the kids.  Cooking Mama for the Wii.  I am SO happy about this, I have played it already for an hour and I love it.  I am not a video game type of person but it was sweet and they can play with me! I know that was a big selling point to them! 

Now, most of you know that I do not like cake so I borrowed a food processor from a friend and tried my hand in tart making. I love to cook so I was excited!  I have never made one before and here it is...
It is a Lemony Rustic Apple Tart.  We ate it under a huge scoop of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream...my fav ice cream.

It was really delicious if I do say so myself. :)
So far 29 is shaping up to be a great year! 
Thank Goodness...the last few months have been unfun minus the birth of my bebe Juliet! :)

 I feel special, loved and most importantly am right where I need to be.  Thanks to everyone who called, messaged me, texted, facebooked, or PB'd me! :)  It is so neat to hear from people I haven't seen or heard from since I was young!

Nathan was a little upset that he came home early for me to open my present and FedEx said it was delayed due to truck failure! I don't care, I don't need presents, just good food, family and lots of love.

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