Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

The day actually wasn't that cloudy, it was more my mood.  Today was not a good day for ME at church.

1) Nathan had to be there at 11:30. We don't start until 1. So instead of getting them ready and fed and all that jazz by myself I decided that we would just go early.  The problem is that every Sunday for the last few weeks we have had to go early because of Nathan's calling. So the kids are dressed up from 11:30 until 4:30. That entire time is spent at church. It is a looooooong day for every one. This is what 12:30 normally .looks like...
We shove eat lunch before its time for church to start in a class room.  I have tried to get them ready and stuff on my own but it is easier in my mind to have the help and just hang out early.

2) Normally Nathan drops off Scarlett into Nursery.  Today on top of his meetings he had to teach Sunday School so that meant I had to drop her off. She cried and cried and cried. I mean it was just pitiful. So I took her out. Made some copies and dropped her back off, she cried so I stayed for awhile and she seemed okay until I was leaving and someone walked in the door I just left and Scarlett saw me walking away.  She NEVER cries to go to class. I mean we were all puzzled about this.

3) Scarlett finally is happy and fine to be in class and I was in the hall with some ladies when I hear the loudest scream of pain and I knew without a doubt it was Bridget.  Poor Bro. Clark looked so sad for her. She slammed her middle finger in the door and it was so nasty looking.  She was crying crying crying and was flipping the bird showing it to everyone in the hall. I get Bridget calmed down and back in class and peek on Scarlett and she is completely and totally asleep in class. Cute.

4) Its FINALLY time for 3rd hour and Lucas's teacher is looking in the RS Room. I figure its probably for me because hey - it would be following trend right? Nope, it was someone in his class needing her mommy.  So I was in search for the mother during 3rd hour and could not find anyone for this little girl.  Another teacher took her and played with her and got her to go back into class.

So on the way home I totally unload the day at church to Nathan and the kids all pass out in the back of the van. I guess everyone was tired.  But as soon as the van door opened it was time to go out and stretch.  So we let them.  They ran around and were silly and wearing my FAVORITE outfits. So Nathan and I sat on the steps and enjoyed the sunshine with the kids.
 Now, let me remind you about THIS YELLOW DRESS.
 I know I have posted about it several times. But I love it.  I have it in 3 sizes for the girls. :)
 Something about eyelets in the spring!
 Doesn't this face make you laugh? I love it!
 Scarlett was all over the place and silly.
After all the bad, listening to the giggles and laughter made the day seem sunnier, brighter and a handful of skittles didn't hurt! :)


  1. I love the humor you added to your post about your frustrating day. Glad it ended with some sunshine!

  2. I love the yellow! It is like sunshine.

  3. First of all, 1pm church is just wrong. Wrong in so many ways. Well, mostly because it's naptime for most kids who nap, but that just makes it wrong. lol Anyway, Quin's been doing the cry when Mom leaves thing, now with Dad. I thought it was just me because since I've been in nursery for ALMOST TWO YEARS, I've been with him 24-7 since birth. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CUT THIS UMBILICAL CORD!! I can't even pee in peace, for crying out loud! (Literally!)

  4. I have that same dress in size 18 months. I wish I would have bought it in more sizes. It is by far my favorite dress ever! I wish I had a skirt made of that fabric I just love it so much!!! Love Childrens Place!
