Flashback Friday: Jan 2007, Our Life

When Nathan started his new job at OST we thought it was more practical for him to take the bus. It stopped right by the office, I would pick him up and drop him off after nannying - it was a great plan.

Except when it snowed. The buses usually ran late, which meant Lucas and I were waiting an EXTRA long time in the car. It was also hard because it would be freezing cold and dinner time and poor Lucas would be bored out of his mind.

Sometimes I would drive around and sing him songs, sometimes I would park the car and walk over to the grocery store so Nathan knew I was there and could wait for me in the car. Most times though I would let Lucas wiggle around in the car in the back set or the front seat. One time I let him drive! (jk)

It was a long time before Nathan stopped taking the bus. Part of it was fixing the other car, part of it was the money. It was so much cheaper filling up one car a month than two, and that was when gas was under $3.00 a gallon. Look how far we have come, how much simpler it was when we were worried about the bus and picking up Nathan. Trust me, I do not miss calling him asking him where he was - EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Except, to be real here for a minute:
I do call him at 4 to ask what time he will be leaving now, but it is different.
He is driving himself. Whew! And, he can always pick something up for me on his way home, if I need it. 

Looking at this picture makes me remember how HUGE his hands were.
*sigh* it seems like so long ago.
sniff sniff

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