8 months (6adj)

Time has hit that place where its FLYING!
Once they hit 6 months, its all down hill from there. :)

Mason can sit up, and crawl, and laugh, and cheer anyone up!

He loves it when you blow on his hair. 

He is so relaxed and calm. 
He absolutely adores Juliet and Nathan.

I can't believe he is getting so big. He is sorta done with rice, and the IEP lady said he can start solids.
He is right on track with the 6 month olds, and I am so in love with the cooing and chuckles.

Happy 8 months, my baby!

1 comment:

  1. He's ahead of MY six month old! ;) I love love love this big brown eyes! And those lashes? Watch out, ladie! hahaha!
    Owen's almost sitting up, rolling everywhere, and eating textured baby food. He's behind my others on sitting up but I'm sure will be crawling before any of my others ever did.
